Freckles are caused due to uneven heavy deposit of melanin. They appear as flat, circular darker spots. They are more likely to occur in fair-skinned persons. Freckles do not require any medical treatment though they can be reduced and cosmetically treated. You can play around with your makeup to camouflage freckles. Apply your foundation with care - blend it well to get maximum coverage. What is important to distinguish between freckles and a type of skin cancer called melanoma.
Freckles are small flat circular spots of pigment that are noticed on fair skinned persons. They occur due to deposits of melanin and are usually attributed to excessive sun exposure. Freckles can range in color from light tan to yellow, light brown or black. The epidermal layer of the skin thickens on repeated exposure to sunlight and the melanocytes (pigment producing cells) accelerate the production of melanin.
Freckles fade in the winter when they aren't as exposed to ultraviolet rays. Freckles are commonly found on the face and hands, and any other part of the body that has been overexposed to the sun. Freckles are among the many signs of photo-aging. Photoaging occurs when excessive sun exposure speeds the skin's natural aging process.
Ephelides: These are to flat spots that are red or light brown that appear during summer. This type of freckles can be controlled with the use of a good sunscreen and reducing sun exposure.
Lentigines: Such freckles are darker than those of the ephelides variety. You may need to use cosmetic procedures to reduce such freckles. These freckles look like wrinkling, blotchy pigmentation.
Freckle Removal
There are various methods of freckle removal.