Vitamins and minerals cannot be made in the body and therefore they should come from food. A healthy varied diet usually supplies the body with all the vitamins and minerals. Often since the diet is deficient in key nutrients, people take vitamin supplements. Millions of dollars are being spent every year on vitamin supplements. What are the benefits of vitamin nutrition supplements? Read up on liquid vitamin supplements.
Vitamin supplement
A human body needs small but steady amounts of vitamins and minerals for normal growth, function and good health. Vitamins and minerals are called micro nutrients. Vitamins help the body to release energy from food that is eaten. Vitamin does not provide the body with energy by itself. Some vitamins contain nitrogen and some do not.
Some vitamins are produced in animals and some others are found only in plants. Different vitamins perform different functions. Vitamin nutrient is needed for a variety of biological processes, like growth, digestion and nerve function. There are times when a body particularly needs vitamin and mineral supplements. People who benefit from vitamin and mineral supplements are pregnant and lactating women, people on low calorie diets and elderly persons.
Women with malabsorption problems or particular food allergies are likely to benefit from vitamin nutrition supplements. Persons who are on a skewed diet or women suffering excessive bleeding may need vitamin supplements. A prescribed vitamin supplement or nutrient supplement helps to supply the missing vitamin or the vitamin not consumed in sufficient quantity in a person's diet. Vitamin supplements are generally divided into two categories:
A simple blood test can reveal the level of nutrients in one's body. It is better to undergo the test, and then get a medical opinion to find out whether one has a real deficiency that requires a vitamin supplement. A woman needs extra nutritional requirements during pregnancy and lactation.
Prenatal vitamin supplements contain nutrients at levels recommended for pregnant woman. Increased amounts of folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamin C, which improve iron and calcium absorption, should be present. Folic acid has been found to reduce neural tube defects in newborns and therefore is extremely important prior to becoming pregnant.
Vitamin nutritional supplements help in prevention of heart diseases. Supplements should be used in conjunction with the guidelines concerning diet and lifestyle restrictions.
Liquid vitamins provide essential vitamins at many times the bio-available levels than in normally found in traditional tablets and capsules. The popular claim with liquid vitamin supplements is that the body can absorb and digest up to 90% in fifteen to twenty minutes whereas it can absorb no more than 20% of the nutrition in vitamin supplement pills. Liquid vitamins can be supplemented for providing:
Suggestions for liquid vitamin usage:
Risks of vitamin supplement usage