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Hypochondria Symptoms

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Hypochondria Symptoms
Titled as a psychosomatic disorder, hypochondria is the fear of having an undiagnosed serious or life-threatening disease Hypochondria is often accompanied by other psychological disorders.

The fear of having an undiagnosed serious or life-threatening disease, hypochondria is classified as a chronic mental disease. Titled as a psychosomatic disorder, hypochondria is a psychological disorder but with physical symptoms. Few experts consider this condition as a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. A person suffering from this disorder assumes that he/she is seriously ill despite proper medical evaluations and reassurances.

Hypochondriacs tend to look at normal bodily functions as a serious condition, be it heartbeats or bowel movements. They might also speak of illness of a particular organ and condition alone, like lung cancer, etc. Tests and diagnoses might have confirmed normal results but people with hypochondria still experience anxiety and fear.


Hypochondria is also known as hypochondriasis. A study points out that 0.8% to 8.5% of the US adult population suffers from hypochondria. Hypochondria can manifest as two extremes, one wherein people keep visiting numerous consultants and continue to carry out numerous tests. Others hesitate to go to the doctor assuming that their condition is severe and cannot be treated.

Hypochondria is often accompanied by other psychological disorders. Clinical depression, phobias etc are common conditions in people with hypochondria. Hypochondria is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with hypochondria are afraid of having an illness whereas patients with OCD worry about getting an illness or transmitting an illness to others.

Hypochondria literally means 'illness without a specific cause'. Hypochondriacs require continuous support from doctors, family or friends. A research study points out that 4 - 9% of the people who visit physicians include hypochondriacs.

Hypochondria symptoms

  • Worry/panic that even the smallest symptom indicates a serious illness

  • Excessive fear or anxiety about having a particular disease or condition

  • Frequently changing doctors

  • Seeking repeated medical examinations or consultations

  • Dissatisfaction with doctors and their treatment

  • Not having a healthy social relationship

  • Emotional distress

  • Obsessive research regarding health-related information

  • Repeated examination for sores, lumps etc.

  • After reading or hearing about a disease condition, a feeling as though one is suffering from that condition

  • Vague feeling of sickness

Hypochondria treatment

Hypochondria as a condition can last for many years. It might be difficult to overcome the thought completely. Treatment might get difficult if the patient is not co-operative. Main areas for treatment include:

Medications: Antidepressant medications

Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy helps the patient understand and recognize the false triggers that cause anxiety.

Managing hypochondria

  • Maintain a journal describing symptoms that lead to the anxiety or worry.

  • Do not read too much information from the Internet and medical books regarding disease conditions. Collecting too much of information can aggravate worries.

  • Sleep well; try to stick to the same sleeping pattern. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

  • Exercise well, undertake walks and indulge in some form of physical activity. This could make you feel better.

  • Eating a nutritious diet, healthy food will make your body feel light and fresh.

  • Practice yoga and meditation, relax. Relaxation helps in dealing with such conditions.

  • Never stay idle, keep doing something that you enjoy.

Hypochondria and depression

While it is not uncommon for all of us to worry about our health at some point of time, it is the obsessive nature of such worry that is associated with hypochondria. It is noticed that a significant proportion of the patients suffering from hypochondria also tend to be suffering from depression or generalized anxiety disorder. Hypochondriacs are not to be confused with those feigning illness.

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