When shopping for an automobile, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with some of the jargon so that you do not end up paying for extras that may not really benefit you. Extended warranties involve extension of the original manufacturer warranty. With increasing costs of vehicle repairs, it becomes imperative to consider automobile extended warranty much like medical coverage. Extended warranty for your vehicle is akin to extending the service plans so that you avoid paying for repairs that might crop up.
Automobile Extended Warranty
Extended warranty on your automobile means buying an extension on your existing original manufacturer's warranty. Automobile warranty for a new vehicle is issued by the original vehicle manufacturer and cover specific components for a set number of months and a set number of miles. The Basic Warranty covers most components except items that are subject to wear out in the normal course of driving, such as brake pads, filters, belts, hoses, and wiper blades. A Drive Train Warranty usually starts where the Basic Warranty ends and only covers the engine, transmission, axles and drive shaft.
You can choose to purchase an automobile extended warranty either at the time of purchase or some time later. Most extended warranties begin from the date that the vehicle was originally purchased and is sometimes referred to as the manufacturer's warranty start date. An extended warranty for your automobile gives you peace of mind since it takes care of most eventualities for your vehicle.
Extended warranties sometimes include benefits such as free 24/7 roadside assistance for emergencies like lockouts, fuel and fluid delivery, battery jump, flat tire repair, and towing. Many also come with car rental reimbursement and travel interruption protection in case of a breakdown.
Tips on Selecting Automobile Extended Warranty
Used Car Extended Warranty
The used automobile market is very large and is growing considerably. In some cases, extended warranty for an automobile ceases when the person sells the vehicle. Some extended warranties can be transferred to the new owner. Get a CARFAX vehicle history report before purchasing a used car.
An automobile with extended warranty is worth more in the used car market. With high labor rates and highly sophisticated cars, extended warranty for used automobiles becomes a necessity. Most problems usually surface after the car is a few years old and this is when the extended warranty comes in handy. Ensure that the extended warranty is purchased before the manufacturer’s original warranty runs out. In this way you don’t end up with lapsed coverage. Many used-car warranty plans include comprehension coverage for costly vehicle repairs as well as wear and tear coverage.