Any repair or replacement of parts in an automobile involves a lot of money. Occurrences such as theft and automobile accident damage are also not uncommon. Without adequate automobile insurance coverage, it would be exorbitant to replace vehicles on theft or damage. Your legal liability is also covered with the right kind of automobile insurance in case you injure another person or cause damage with your vehicle. Let us understand the various facets of automobile insurance coverage.
Automobile insurance
An essential part of owning an automobile is to secure it with adequate insurance coverage. Basic automobile insurance liability is the mandatory
requirement of auto insurance, which differs from state to state. A typical basic insurance requirement is 50/100/25. This means $50,000 for coverage for any single person injured in an automobile accident with a maximum of about $100,000 for all injured.
Liability coverage: This aspect of automobile insurance covers you against the cost of injury and damage caused by you in an automobile accident. The bodily injury coverage is limited by the cost of injury coverage per person covered as well as the total amount that can be disbursed as injury coverage for all injured persons. The property damage coverage protects you against the cost of damage caused by you in an automobile accident.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This coverage covers medical bills, lost wages and loss of services and is mandatory in most states.
Uninsured motorist: This type of automobile insurance coverage protects you against injury or damage caused by a driver who is not insured.
Underinsured motorist: This type of automobile insurance policy pays for damages and injury caused due to a driver carrying inadequate insurance coverage.
Collision coverage: This policy pays for repairs and fair market replacement costs when your vehicle is damaged in an automobile accident.
Comprehensive coverage: The comprehensive insurance policy gives protection against repair costs or replacement due to theft, vandalism, hit-and-run accidents and natural disasters such as floods and fire.
Emergency roadside assistance coverage: This optional coverage takes care of towing and immediate roadside repairs. It does not cover the cost of repairs at the garage.
No fault insurance coverage: This protects the policyholder from injury costs irrespective of whose fault it was.
An automobile insurance policy must state all the relevant details about your vehicle insurance policy. Important declarations include the make and year of the car, its VIN (Vehicle Identification number), date when the policy gets affective and the policy coverage limits and finally the policy premium. The auto insurance policy must clearly outline what it promises to provide. You must also clarify your duties and responsibilities in the event of an automobile accident and stake the claims.
A deductible is the amount of money that you need to pay before the insurance claims can be considered. A higher deductible involves lesser premiums and vice versa.
Affordable car insurance
You can avail automobile insurance discounts on the following grounds:
Plan your automobile insurance costs by raising the deductibles on physical damage (collision and comprehensive). For older vehicles, you can eliminate these altogether. You have to decide whether to absorb a large portion of the loss in the event of an automobile accident by paying lower premiums or go in for higher premiums for more assurance. A good driving record will always get you a good rate.
Automobile insurance quote
The automobile insurance market has grown tremendously. With the burgeoning trade carried on over the Internet, it was just a matter of time before automobile insurance quotes were available online. Getting a quote for automobile insurance involves filling up details on your automobile and insurance requirements, such as the model and make of the vehicle, your driving record and the insurance coverage you are seeking. Based on these factors, an appropriate automobile insurance quote is provided to you. Online automobile insurance quotes help you take insurance decisions quickly. Automobile insurance companies can offer cheaper rates on account of this
direct interaction.
When you collect an automobile insurance quote, you need to be aware of the types and limits of the different coverage policies. Ensure that the
insurance provider is licensed to sell insurance in your state. You must also remember that you are transmitting sensitive personal and financial
details over the Internet. So ensure that the insurance provider uses a secure site. The convenience of comparing prices and buying automobile
insurance over the Internet has fueled the trend of collecting an auto insurance quote online.
Automobile insurance company
An automobile insurance company must be thoroughly checked before you take up an auto insurance policy with it. The ratings of an automobile
insurance company as per A.M. Best can help you make a decision. The ratings of an auto insurance company hinge on many factors - it's financial strength, quality of services and direct marketing operations as well as the price of its products and services.
An insurance company guide will allow you compare various companies offering automobile insurance. The Insurance web site is a good place to look for complaints against any automobile insurance company so as to beware of fraudulent operators. Consumer Alerts at the National Association of Insurance Commissioner are also a good weeding spot for companies with dubious track records. Selecting an automobile insurance company involves price comparisons, policy evaluations and customer service assessments.