Brain injury attorneys are specialized legal practitioners who aid victims and families of people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries to gain favorable settlements. They represent individuals who have suffered permanent disability due to a traumatic brain injury. The brain injury lawyer seeks compensation and recovery for the economic losses suffered due to the injury. We take a look at the requisite skills that go into making a successful lawyer of brain injury cases.
Brain injury attorney
It is seen that car accidents are the leading cause of head and brain injuries. Brain injuries occur due to violent falls or high-speed impact. Bruising, bleeding and damage to the brain tissue can result from the injury. It has been estimated that nearly 50,000 persons die from brain injury and more than 400,000 are hospitalized for brain injury, ranging from mild to moderate injuries. Most often the outward damage and physical manifestations are minimal but there can be psychological, cognitive and physical disabilities that need to be addressed. A brain injury attorney is required to have relevant experience in dealing with severe cases of brain injury and trauma. Such legal counsel should be able to call upon recognized medical consultants of neurology and spinal surgery to further their case.
Most often brain injuries are the result of a catastrophic event that can wreak havoc on the patient and his family. Other than the pain and trauma suffered by the victim and his family, financial resources can also be a problem to the survivors of brain injury. There can be temporary or permanent impairment of physical faculties. Many of the victims do not receive adequate compensation for their injuries since they are not well represented. A qualified legal representative can be retained under the contingency fee agreement according to the law. A brain injury attorney usually works on a contingency fee arrangement. Associating with traumatic brain injury groups and associations helps a brain injury lawyer to support his clients ably.
A brain injury attorney has to look into the complex issues that go into each case. During the initial interview, he must be able to assess the case, the liability and damages and coverage issues. It is also necessary to investigate the case thoroughly. Timely photographs of the client's injuries, vehicle involved and the scene of the accident can help the case. Services of a neuro-psychological expert can help in comparing the post accident mental faculties of the patient vis-à-vis his earlier medical records. A brain injury lawyer must posses the necessary skills to sieve through the vast amounts of medical information and persuade the jury of the client's position. The mechanics of brain injury must be provided so as to consolidate the case. It is also essential to describe the force of the collision and its resultant impact on the neuropsychological faculties of the patient.
Brain injury lawsuit
Traumatic Brain injury (TBI) can be debilitating to the brain and central nervous system. The cost of hospitalization, treatment and rehabilitation can be substantial. Damages for permanent brain injury can work out to $100,000 or more. Various factors that have to be considered by an attorney specializing in brain injury cases are:
- Cost of healthcare
- Loss of future earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
The size of the medical bills is by no means an accurate judgment of the extent of the disability and damages. An attorney experienced in this field will be able to look at different sources to gain a compensation for his client. A legal career as a brain injury lawyer involves guiding the client through a multi-layered process to ensure that he gets the benefits that he is entitled to. The potential compensation from the lawsuit has to weighed vis-à-vis the cost of the lawsuit.